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April #bitres Artist: Kelsey Upchurch

Kelsey Upchurch

Kelsey Upchurch is a photographer whose work focuses on human experience through portraiture. Her Americana style compares physical beauty to literal and eventual decay, as seen in her work depicting fashion models surrounded by abandoned architecture. This is emphasized through Upchurch’s use of high, punchy contrast and bright highlights, as well as visible texture differences between skin and clothing.

Drawn from inspiration by artists such as Cindy Sherman and Nadia Lee Cohen, Kelsey’s work dives deep into the concept of self-image and identity, and how it can be altered visually, through the use of fashion, makeup, lighting, and more. Upchurch encourages us to explore the beauty in self-expression and difficulty in our forever changing lives.

Instagram: @kelseua and @Kelseyauphoto

Website: Kelsey Upchurch

About #bitres:
As a means of expanding Co-Lab Project's programming into the digital realm, artist/curator Vladimir Mejia selects artists to participate in an Instagram hosted month-long residency. Artists are given full control of the @colabprojectsbitres Instagram account, and all images posted by the artist are categorized by hashtags representing the artist name in residency. Original concept by Sean Ripple.